Hi, I'm Richard.
I'm Richard Colbeck, a proud Liberal Senator for Tasmania working hard to advance our state’s interests.
I bring a wealth of experience to Parliament from over two decades in the construction industry and from active involvement in civic leadership and business associations in regional Tasmania before entering politics. I have also held various Ministerial roles throughout my career. I am passionate about our island state.
Here you will find a range of updates as I work for the benefit of our communities, Tasmania and our nation, as well as useful resources on my website. Feel free to get in touch any time!
News and Press Releases
Here you will find Senator Colbeck’s latest news and media.
Richard has consistently championed the values and aspirations of his constituents statewide, with a particular focus on regional Tasmania. You can also check out his recent newsletters.
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Flights return a good starting point
The decision by Qantas to reinstate two overnight/early morning services from January 31 next year is a welcome development as we move to the return of Q400 Dash 8’s we enjoyed on the Devonport/Melbourne service prior to COVID, however it still leaves a capacity hole in the service level we previously enjoyed and the region can clearly sustain.
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Labor teams up with Greens to frustrate certainty for salmon farmers and industry
Despite all the grandstanding as to their support of the salmon industry, Labor’s true colours shone through again when a sensible amendment to the EPBC Act to limit claims against longstanding approvals under the Act was stalled in the Senate by Labor and the Greens today, Liberal Senator for Tasmania Richard Colbeck said this morning.
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Social Media and Links
These links connect you to Richard's social media and other useful sites: